Senin, 25 Mei 2009


Hidrofoil is a ship with wings as part of the buffer is placed in the bottom of the hull. When the ship increase the speed, style hidrofoil produce so lambungnya lift up and out of the water. This causes a reduction in friction and therefore increases in speed. Hidrofoil initial use or wing-shaped foil-U

Hidrofoil type is known as surface-piercing as a part of this hidrofoil akan picked up on the surface of water. Hidrofoil using modern T-shaped foil of which are under the water. Hidrofoil suit better the effect is not affected by waves, so they are more stable at sea and more comfortable for the crew and passengers. However this configuration is not self-stabilize. Hidrofoil attack angle must be adjusted continuously with the conditions that continue to change, a process done by the control computer. Failure to make the correct adjustments will make the hull collide with the sea surface. Hidrofoil is a transport ship with the fastest speed of 114 km / hour.

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