Senin, 25 Mei 2009


No COUNTRY DESTINATION Until 2.000 gr Each 500 gr Next

1 2 3 4
1 Brunei Darussalam [BN] 14.00 1.50
2 Cambodia (kamboja) [KH] 19.00 2.50
3 Malaysia [MY] 13.00 1.50
4 Philipina [PH] 16.00 2.00
5 Singapore [SG] 11.50 1.00
6 Thailand [TH] 14.00 2.00
7 Vietnam [VN] 18.00 2.00
8 Batam-Singapore 11.00 0.50
9 Batam-Kuala Lumpur 11.50 0.50
10 Medan-Singapore 11.20 0.50
11 Medan-Kuala Lumpur 11.50 0.50
1 Australia [AU] 26.00 3.50
2 Azerbaijan [AZ] 29.00 5.00
3 Bahrain [BH] 29.00 4.00
4 Bangladesh [BD] 17.00 2.50
5 Hongkong [HK] 17.00 2.50
6 India [IN] 23.00 3.00
7 Iraq [IQ] 28.00 4.50
8 Japan (Jepang) [JP] 24.00 3.50
9 Kuwait [KW] 29.00 4.50
10 Macao (Makao) [MO] 20.00 2.50
11 Maldives (Maladewa) [MV] 21.00 3.00
12 Nepal [NP] 21.00 3.00
13 New Caledonia [NC] 32.00 4.00
14 New Zealand [NZ] 29.00 4.50
15 Pakistan [PK] 23.00 3.50
16 Papua New Guinea [PG] 22.00 3.00
17 RRC (China) [CN] 21.00 3.00
18 Qatar [QA] 26.00 4.00
19 Republic of Korea [KR] 23.00 3.50
20 Saudi Arabia [SA] 26.00 4.50
21 Taiwan [TW] 20.00 3.00
22 United Arab Emirates [AE] 24.00 4.00
1 Algeria (Aljazair) [DZ] 46.00 6.50
2 Egypt (Mesir) [EG] 34.00 5.00
3 Nigeria [NG] 42.00 6.00
4 Sudan [SD] 28.00 5.00
1 Austria [AT] 38.00 6.00
2 Belgium (Belgia) [BE] 39.00 6.50
3 Denmark [DK] 42.00 6.00
4 Finland (Finlandia) [FI] 43.00 5.50
5 France (Perancis) [FR] 43.00 6.00
6 Germany (Jerman) [DE] 45.00 6.00
7 Ireland (Irlandia) [IR] 46.00 6.50
8 Italy (Italia) [IT] 42.00 6.00
9 Netherlands (Belanda) [NL] 44.00 6.00
10 Norway (Norwegia) [NO] 45.00 6.00
11 Poland (Polandia) [PL] 32.00 5.50
12 Portugal [PT] 38.00 6.00
13 Rusia [RU] 34.00 5.50
14 Sweden (Swedia) [SE] 47.00 6.00
15 Switzerland (Swiss) [CH] 38.00 6.00
16 United Kingdom (Inggris) [UK] 42.00 6.50
1 Brazil (Brasil) [BR] 58.00 11.00
2 Canada (Kanada) [CA] 47.00 7.00
3 United States of America [US] 49.00 12.00
No Country Destination s/d 2.000 gr Each 500 gr Next

F 2 3 4
1 Albania [AL] 68.52 13.60
2 Argentina [AR] 94.97 20.06
3 Bulgaria [BG] 68.52 13.60
4 Costarica [CR] 94.97 20.06
5 Chile [CL] 94.97 20.06
6 Colombia [CO] 94.97 20.06
7 Dominika [DM] 94.97 20.06
8 Dominika Rep [DO] 94.97 20.06
9 Equador [EC] 94.97 20.06
10 El Savador [SV] 94.97 20.06
11 Greece (Yunani) [GR] 68.52 13.60
12 Honduras [HN] 94.97 20.06
13 Haiti [HT] 94.97 20.06
14 Iran [IR] 68.52 13.60
15 Jordania [JO] 68.52 13.60
16 Laos [LO] 41.96 7.65
17 Mexico [MX] 56.68 9.35
18 Maroko [MA] 94.97 20.06
19 Mauritius [MU] 68.52 13.60
20 Myanmar [MM] 41.96 7.65
21 Oman [OM] 68.52 13.60
22 Panama [PA] 94.97 20.06
23 Spanyol [ES] 68.52 13.60
24 Senegal [SN] 94.97 20.06
25 Suriname [SR] 94.97 20.06
26 Syria [SY] 68.52 13.60
27 Tunisia [TN] 94.97 20.06
28 Turkey [TR] 94.97 20.06
29 Venezuela [VE] 94.97 20.06
30 Yemen Arab Rep [YE] 68.52 13.60
31 Zambia [ZM] 94.97 20.06

Courier estimation Cost by Express Mail System (PT POS Indonesia) Offshore Miniature Product

Offshore Miniature Product :
Platinum Class: Height 150 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 50 Kg.
Gold Class: Height 100 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 40 Kg.
Silver Class: Height 75 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 30 Kg.
Bronze Class: Height 50 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 20 Kg.

Courier estimation Cost by Express Mail System (PT POS Indonesia) Offshore Miniature Product :
Price USD Weight Zona A Zona B Zona C Zona D Zona E Zona F
Platinum 50 Kg 130 280 410 410 680 1,160
Gold 40 Kg 110 230 340 340 555 960
Silver 30 Kg 90 185 280 280 440 760
Bronze 20 Kg 70 140 210 210 320 560

Courier estimation Cost by Express Mail System (PT POS Indonesia) Vessel Miniature Product

Vessel Miniature Product :
Platinum Class: Length 100 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx 40 Kg.
Gold Class: Length 80 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx 25 Kg.
Silver Class: Length 60 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx. 15 kg.
Bronze Class: Length 40 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx. 10 kg.

Courier estimation Cost by Express Mail System (PT POS Indonesia) Vessel Miniature Product :

Price USD Weight Zona A Zona B Zona C Zona D Zona E Zona F
Platinum 40 Kg 170 210 340 340 555 960
Gold 25 Kg 110 150 250 240 380 660
Silver 15 Kg 70 110 180 180 260 460
Bronze 10 Kg 30 90 150 145 200 360

Mock Up Engine Room

Engine Room Miniature is created to shown the system related to Main engine and the auxiliary engine. This miniature usually used by Shipyard for representation to real the installation process. Also for tools to make communication with the ship owner

Container Port

A container terminal is a facility where cargo containers are transshipped between different transport vehicles, for onward transportation. The transshipment may be between ships and land vehicles, for example trains or trucks, in which case the terminal is described as a maritime container terminal. Alternatively the transshipment may be between land vehicles, typically between train and truck, in which case the terminal is described as an inland container terminal.

Maritime container terminals tend to be part of a larger port, and the biggest maritime container terminals can be found situated around major harbors. Inland container terminals tend to be located in or near major cities, with good rail connections to maritime container terminals.
Both maritime and inland container terminals usually also provide storage facilities for both loaded and empty containers. Loaded containers are stored for relatively short periods, whilst waiting for onward transportation, whilst unloaded containers may be stored for longer periods awaiting their next use. Containers are normally stacked for storage, and the resulting stores are known as container stacks.

Offshore Monopod Platform

Larger lake- and sea-based offshore platforms and drilling rigs are some of the largest moveable man-made structures in the world. There are several distinct types of platforms and rigs:
1. Fixed platforms
2. Compliant towers
3. Semi-submersible platform
4. Jack-up platforms
5. Drillships
6. Floating production

Offshore Floating Platform

An offshore platform, often referred to as an oil platform or (somewhat incorrectly) oil rig, is a large structure used to house workers and machinery needed to drill wells in the ocean bed, extract oil and/or natural gas, process the produced fluids, and ship them to shore. Depending on the circumstances, the platform may be fixed to the ocean floor, may consist of an artificial island, or may float.

Most offshore platforms are located on the continental shelf, though with advances in technology and increasing crude oil prices, drilling and production in deeper waters has become both feasible and economically viable. A typical platform may have around thirty wellheads located on the platform and directional drilling allows reservoirs to be accessed at both different depths and at remote positions up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the platform.


There are two main types of FPSOs, the converted Oil tanker option or the purpose built option. These might be disconnectable or permanently moored. The FPSO design will depend on the area of operation. In benign waters the FPSO may have a simple shape or it may be a converted tanker. Often an external Turret is applied in such areas e.g. West-Africa.

All ship-shaped FPSOs in the North Sea are purpose built and most are permanently moored. FPSOs may also be Semi-Submersible type platforms with storage or cylindrically shaped. These are moored in fixed orientation. An FPSO has the capability to carry out some form of oil separation process obviating the need for such facilities to be located on an oil platform. Partial separation may still be done on the oil platform to increase the oil capacity of the pipeline(s) to the FPSO


A Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO; also called a "unit" and a "system") is a type of floating tank system used by the offshore oil and gas industry and designed to take all of the oil or gas produced from nearby platforms or templates, process it, and store it until the oil or gas can be offloaded onto a tanker or transported through a pipeline.

Working principles
Oil produced from offshore production platforms can be transported to the mainland either by pipeline or by tanker. When a tanker solution is chosen, it is necessary to accumulate oil in some form of tank such that an oil tanker is not continuously occupied while sufficient oil is being produced to fill the tanker. Often the solution is a decommissioned oil tanker which has been stripped down and equipped with facilities to be connected to a mooring buoy. Oil is accumulated in the FPSO until there is sufficient amount to fill a transport tanker, at which point the transport tanker connects to the stern of the floating storage unit and offloads the oil.

Work Barge

A barge is a flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods. Most barges are not self-propelled and need to be towed by tugboats or pushed by towboats. Canal barges, towed by draft animals on an adjacent towpath, contended with the railway in the early industrial revolution, but were outcompeted in the carriage of high-value items due to the higher speed, falling costs, and route flexibility of rail.

Types of barges
Barracks barge, Car float, Dutch barge, Dry bulk cargo barge, Hopper barge, Jack up barge, Lighter , Liquid cargo barge, Log barge, Oil barge and Dumb steel oil barge, Pleasure barge, Power barge, Royal barge (e.g. Thailand's royal barges), Row barge, etc


The ferry is a boat a short distance transportation. The ferry has an important role in the transportation system for the city's many coastal beaches, making direct transit between the second goal with a cost smaller than canal or bridge.

Various kinds of water vehicles is used as a vehicle ferry, depending on the distance of travel, tonnage, speed and the necessary conditions that must be passed by water. Hydrofoil used because the benefits go to the high-speed, replace the hovercraft. Hydrofoil also evident as a practical solution, easy, fast and economical.


Hidrofoil is a ship with wings as part of the buffer is placed in the bottom of the hull. When the ship increase the speed, style hidrofoil produce so lambungnya lift up and out of the water. This causes a reduction in friction and therefore increases in speed. Hidrofoil initial use or wing-shaped foil-U

Hidrofoil type is known as surface-piercing as a part of this hidrofoil akan picked up on the surface of water. Hidrofoil using modern T-shaped foil of which are under the water. Hidrofoil suit better the effect is not affected by waves, so they are more stable at sea and more comfortable for the crew and passengers. However this configuration is not self-stabilize. Hidrofoil attack angle must be adjusted continuously with the conditions that continue to change, a process done by the control computer. Failure to make the correct adjustments will make the hull collide with the sea surface. Hidrofoil is a transport ship with the fastest speed of 114 km / hour.

Fast Patrol Boat for offshore

A patrol boat is a small naval vessel generally designed for coastal defense duties.
There have been many designs for patrol boats. They may be operated by a nation's navy, coast guard, or police force, and may be intended for marine (blue water) and/or estuarine or river ("brown water") environments. They are commonly found engaged in various border protection roles, including anti-smuggling, anti-piracy, fisheries patrols, and immigration law enforcement. They are also often called upon to participate in rescue operations.
They may be broadly classified as Inshore Patrol Vessels (IPVs) and Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs).

They are warships typically smaller in size than a corvette and can include fast attack craft, torpedo boats and missile boats, although some are as large as a frigate. The offshore patrol vessels are usually the smallest ship in a navy's fleet that are large and seaworthy enough to patrol off-shore in the open ocean. In larger militaries, such as in the United States military, offshore patrol vessels usually serve in the coast guard, but many smaller nations navies operate these type of ships.

Fishing Vessel

A fishing vessel is a boat or ship used to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. Many different kinds of vessels are used in commercial, artisanal and recreational fishing.
According to the FAO, there are currently (2004) four million commercial fishing vessels. About 1.3 million of these are decked vessels with enclosed areas. Nearly all of these decked vessels are mechanized, and 40,000 of them are over 100 tons. At the other extreme, two-thirds (1.8 million) of the undecked boats are traditional craft of various types, powered only by sail and oars. These boats are used by artisan fishers.
Prior to the 1950s there was little standardisation of fishing boats. Designs could vary between ports and boatyards. Traditionally boats were built out of wood, but wood is not often used now because of cost and the difficulty in obtaining suitable timber. Fiberglass is used increasingly in smaller fishing vessels up to 25 meters (100 tons), while steel is usually used on vessels above 25 meters.

Cargo Vessel

Cargo ship or ships are all types of cargo ships that carry goods and cargo from one port to another port. Thousands of ships of this type is the world's oceans and seas each year - to load the goods trade internationally.
In general cargo ships designed for special tasks, complete with crane and other mechanisms for loading and unloading, and is made in several sizes.
The types of transportation including cargo ships, container and bulk freight.

Tanker Vessel

Tanker Vessel is designed to carry out oil or its derivative product. Type tanker vessel are Oil Tanker, Chemical Tanker, and LNG Tanker
Classification tanker depend on its capacity as below :
• ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carrier), capacity 500.000 ton
• VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier/Mallacamax), capacity 300.000 ton
• Suezmax, could sail trough Suez Canal , capacity 125.000-200.000 to
• Aframax (Average Freight Rate Assessment) capacity 80.000-125.000 ton
• Panamax, could sail trough Panama Canal capacity 50.000-79.000 ton.

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Container Vessel

Container ship is a special ship that used to carry a standard Container. Container lifted straight up to the ship terminal in the container with a special crane, which can be done quickly.
The Biggest 10 Container ships are : Emma Mærsk, Gurdon Mærsk, Xin Los Angeles, COSCO Guangzhou, CMA CGM Medea, Axel Mærsk, NYK Vega, MSC Pamela, MSC Madeleine, dan Hanover Bridge

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Beckham’s Vessel Miniature

Beckham’s Vessel Miniature
We are specialist on creating miniature for Vessel all type such as Container Vessel, Dry Cargo Vessel, Chemical Tanker, Oil Tanker, Fast Patrol Boat, Tug Boat, Ferry Pasific, VIP Craft, Fishing Boat, etc. Miniature for special purpose as Mock up engine room, Offshore Floating Platform, Offshore Monopod Platform, Work Barge, Container port, and FPSO

Our excellent experience related to competitive advantage as below :
1. Miniature created with exactly scale of the original vessel
2. Supervisor by the expert who has long experience as designer on shipyard.
3. created by experience employee who has good passion and desire on art of handicraft
4. Strong management to control quality, cost, delivery in order to satisfy our customer.

Product proper to success Delivery vessel ceremony, Excellent collection, office decorative, support Study for maritime school / naval architect, shipping line company, Sales & marketing tools, and the other excellent purpose.

Establish since 1991 make us proud to offer our product as a part of supporting complement to success your important activity company.
Our success story, product used by Indonesian important maritime instiutions in Indonesian as PT. Pal Indonesia, PT. Dok & Perkapalan Surabaya, PT. Citra Mas Surabaya, PT. Adiluhung Sarana Segara Indonesia, Teknik Kelautan ITS Surabaya,etc. We have commitment to continue this success story to international market.

Order Contact:
Mobile phone


Our Service :
1. Delivery time: For Vessel 1 Month and for Offshore 1,5 Month after Advance Payment
2. Payment term : 40% Advance Payment, 60% 2 days before shipment. All by T/T Payment
3. Price exclude Courier cost and tax all responsible by receiver
4. Shipment: By Courier / Door to door delivery.
5. Normally courier using Express Mail Service / EMS belongs to PT POS Indonesia (Detail see attachment 1), customer may choose DHL, FeDEx or other courier service.
6. For order out of our previous project need Complete Drawing with scale. Delivery time and price depend on the difficulties level of order.

Vessel Miniature Product :
Platinum Class: Length 100 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx 40 Kg.
Gold Class: Length 80 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx 25 Kg.
Silver Class: Length 60 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx. 15 kg.
Bronze Class: Length 40 cm , Width & height proportional on scale. Weight approx. 10 kg.

Offshore Miniature Product :
Platinum Class: Height 150 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 50 Kg.
Gold Class: Height 100 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 40 Kg.
Silver Class: Height 75 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 30 Kg.
Bronze Class: Height 50 cm , Width & Length proportional on scale. Weight approx 20 Kg.

Price USD Vessel Offshore
Platinum 1,200 3,000
Gold 1,000 2,000
Silver 800 1,500
Bronze 600 1,000
discount 15% each for order more than one